Friday 18 March 2011

Delicious Doodles - 3D project

Oh my, its been another busy week!  Lots of meetings around London this week - and Josh has been shipped from pillar to post bless him!  Still next week should be quieter!

Over at Delicious Doodles this week, we have a challenge to make something 3 dimensional - could be a box, a bag, a cat....oh no, maybe not!  

I needed a clock for my kitchen - have needed one for ages and wanted to have a go at altering a cheapie one....well Tesco came in for me again!  I think this was about £, I pulled it apart and then measured the face...a little bit of playing on inkscape with some of Teri's images and here you are.  It was really easy to do - no, REALLY easy to do.  I wanted to colour it (just creams), but hubby wanted it plain, so of course...its plain!  Will colour it when I am bored with it!  


I am really beginning to enjoy altering things....and doing 3d stuff, bags and the like - but they do seem like a bit of a cheat!

Well, hope you can find the time to join in with us!

Have a great Friday


5 comments: said...

Fab clock hun. I have one sitting in my stash to alter - just gotta find some time to do it!!

Dragonlady said...

Brilliant Ruthie, love it.

Hugs Ali x

Teri said...

It's a fabulous project hun! Glad you enjoyed it - I still hate altering stuff. . .

Allison said...

gorgeous clock Ruthie

Powerful Search Engine said...

You have inpired me I am just looking at a space in the kitchen for something like this to go. Great idea xxx